Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people older than 50 years – and there is no effective cure for it yet. Scientists estimate that around 12 to 13 million people in the USA will have this disease by 2020.
To Wear or Not To Wear: What Happens If I Don’t Use My Glasses?
I Scratched My Eye! Causes and Treatments for Corneal Abrasion
Pink Eye - What is Conjunctivitis?
Why Are My Eyes So Dry?
No more Dilated Eyes - Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
When Should Children Get Their Vision Tested?
Most responsible parents will have their child regularly checked by a pediatrician, but how many can say the same about annual checkups with a pediatric ophthalmologist? Many eye conditions can be treated, and even reversed, if caught early. This can save your child from a lifetime of poor vision or in some cases even worse.